What Kind Of Consulting Services
Does Black Swan Offer?
Self Storage
Due Diligence
Are you in the process of acquiring a self storage facility? Would you like a 3rd Party to come in a review the property?
We will review your potential acquisition to make sure your investment is secure.
Self Storage
Financial Analysis & Modeling
Are you reviewing a potential acquisition, development, or outside investment? Do the numbers seem to good to be true? Would you like another opinion on the projections for your investment?
We specialize in the financial analysis and financial modeling of self storage investments.
Self Storage
Feasibility & Development
Are you thinking about investing in a new self storage development? Do you have questions about the development or feasibility process?
We offer a Free and Confidential 1-Hour Self Storage Feasibility Review for self storage operators and investors considering self storage development
Self Storage
Do you have questions about self storage operations? Are you trying to implement a new procedure, system, or software?
We can assist you with all aspects of operating your self storage facility.
Self Storage
Have you found your self storage diamond? Is this your first self storage acquisition? Do you need advice on due diligence, a market study, or a vendor for your potential acquisition?
Let us use our resources to help you make informed self storage decisions.
Self Storage
Revenue Management
Are you ready to implement a Revenue Management System at your self storage facility? Do you have some questions about implementing this kind of system?
We will teach you how to implement a successful and profitable
Revenue Management System.